Saturday, May 3, 2014


it takes time, it takes time to develop, to get better, to feel normal again after facing something as outstretched and obscure as the situation that had decided to direct me. I understand I am human, everyone experiences what they do, but as for I, I just so happen take everything very personal. Assumption being made that life for everyone is very personal, obviously, if you weren't living your life for you, if you weren't wrapping moments around your existence, your passions, what else would you be living for? I feel like my words are very diluted. I don't read much, but I have a tendency to think I'm a writer, I'd like to write about everything and anything, but I only say that because I have not actually rationalized any idea worth wrapping around, and with that being said I simply mean I haven't taken the time to do so, I like to let things develop today, I've decided I'll become a sifter of ideas, a pot of soiling fertilizer, allowing ideas to seed inside of me, I'll water the ones worth living, the ones with the biggest bloom.